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Visitors from nearly 100 countries attended the second "JOIN: Jewelery Online International Network"

Turkish Jewelery Exporters' Association, T.C. The "JOIN: Jewelery Online International Network" event, which was held for the second time between April 14 and 16 with the support of the Ministry of Commerce, participated from nearly 100 countries around the world.

World Jewelry Industry Met with JOIN, Examined Products with JBOX

JOIN: In the second of the Jewelery Online International Network event, approximately 1250 buyers came together with 52 Turkish brands, setting the groundwork for 120 different bilateral meetings. The first virtual jewelery event of Turkey, "JOIN: Jewelery Online International Network" was held for the second time, and the members were offered the opportunity to meet with buyers from all over the world, and to serve their products live in high resolution (HD) quality with J - BOX.

JOIN and J - BOX formations represent a milestone for the sector as a reflection of the Jewelry Exporters Association's innovative and solution-oriented perspective. The next step in the jewelery industry will be the Istanbul Jewelery Fair to be held in October.



Turkish Jewellery Exporters' Association
Istanbul Dış Ticaret Kompleksi B Blok Kat:2 Bahçelievler / İstanbul - Türkiye +90212 454 08 80 

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