High jewelry and gold production, diamonds and precious stones, but also components and semi-finished products, packaging and visual merchandising services and an area dedicated to contemporary watches. More than 1,200 exhibiting brands from 34 countries around the world will be attending Vicenzaoro September 2023 – VOS , Italian Exhibition Group’s (IEG) international event that will see the entire gold and jewelry supply chain gather at Vicenza Exhibition Centre from 8th to 12th September. A sector that, in the first quarter of 2023 recorded an 11.3% increase in turnover compared to the same period last year, mainly driven by exports. Industrial production was also positive (+2.3%), unlike other made-in-Italy manufacturing sectors that registered a backward trend (data processed by Confindustria Moda’s Study Centre for Federorafi).
An International Offer Germany, Turkey, China, India and Thailand will be the countries most represented by foreign exhibiting brands, covering about 40% of the exhibition offer. Made in Italy will be represented by all the main national districts (Arezzo, Vicenza, Valenza and Campania), promoting the excellence of their products and services. It will be the focus of business matching for the 400 foreign buyers involved in the incoming program organized with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation and ITA – Italian Trade Agency , and arriving from all over the world, in particular from the USA, the United Arab Emirates, Israel, China and ASEAN countries.
Every Inch of Exhibition Space Used VOS 2023 has already been sold-out for weeks with several companies on the waiting list, particularly for the ICON community dedicated to high-end jewelry. To meet the needs of companies, IEG has made every space available, including the conference rooms in Hall 7.1 on the first floor of the Expo Centre, creating a reserved and exclusive area. High-visibility connections and passageways will be used to enhance the different exhibition areas. The show will also feature special projects organized by the Veneto and Sicily Regions , which will be displaying collective exhibitions of their best gold and jewelry production.
The Event and the Territory Vicenzaoro renews alliances with the territory. It will offer a series of exceptional services to welcome visitors from all over the world. These include hotels at special rates, reduced fares for flights with Lufthansa Group airlines and tickets for domestic train routes by Trenitalia, free shuttle services from Venice and Verona airports (for further information: visit here ). Visitor flows in and out of the Expo Centre will be smoother with new opening hours from 10 am to 7 pm. Not only business, but also entertainment: with the tenth edition of VIOFF- Golden Experience, the Off Show event, VOS continues its collaboration with the city of Vicenza by outlining a multi-sensory itinerary brimming with initiatives, including history, art, music, culture and typical food and wine. The list of exhibitors and visitor services is already available on the “TJGC-VICENZAORO” App.
Partners and Stakeholders The event will see the participation of all the sector’s voices, institutions and trade associations, from Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato Orafi, Confcommercio Federpreziosi, CNA Orafi, Confimi Industria Categoria Orafa ed Argentiera toAssogemme, Assocoral, AFEMO – Italian Association of Jewellery Machinery Manufacturers and Exporters and CIBJO, which will be contributing to the event agenda and the talks scheduled over the five days of IEG’s International Gold and Jewellery Show.