Roberto Bravo has 14 stores in Venice and Moscow, and new store is opened in capital of China, in Tianjin.

Roberto Bravo continues to investment in abroad country. Roberto Bravo has 14 stores in Venice and Moscow, and new store is opened in capital of China, in Tianjin. This is the first Turkish jewellery store in Beijing.
In You Yi Shoping Mall, Beijing Ambassodor of Turkish Republic Abdülkadir Emin Önen, Chairman of the Trade Council Hakan Kızartıcı, CEO of Roberto Bravo Mustafa Kamar, Brand Face of Roberto Bravo Victoria Bonya the executive vice-president of Gems & Jewelry Trade Association of China Sun Fengmin and Manager of You Yi Shopping Mall Wu Di attended at the opening ceremony.
At the opening Abdülkadir Emin Önen spoke that; Roberto Bravo is one of the most important brand of Turkey and we are here for the first investment of Roberto Bravo.
This store represents the only Turkish jewelry store in China. We hope this step will be followed by other Turkish brands. And he goes on these words. Turkey and China is two countries west and east side of historical Silk Road and these countries making good combination of political trust and win – win economical corporation. Accordingly, in 2018
Turkey was declared the year of tourism in China and four-hundred-thousands Chinese came to Turkey. In a $ 23.6 billion trade with China was held in Turkey in 2018.
CEO of Robero Bravo Mustafa Kamar said,
One Generation - One Way Silk Road has carried many products from porcelain to silk and tea from China to Istanbul and Europe. China meets jewellery and spices due to this road.
The process of eastern and western culture, which is began in the past, is highly regarded by the Chinese Government, today.
Because the Silk Road offers opportunities beyond the socio-economic and cultural harmony between east and west. As Roberto Bravo, we hope that our jewelry will bring cultural opportunities to China as well as many opportunities