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Oroarezzo Confirms Itself As A Business Platform For Goldsmiths And Tech

The 41st edition of the event dedicated to goldsmithing ended

Oroarezzo 2022 brought the best of goldsmithing from the main Made in Italy and international goldsmith districts back to Arezzo Fiere e Congressi, becoming a business showcase for over 300 exhibiting brands, including jewellery and technology.

This edition was permeated by a widespread sentiment of trust towards a restart path, thanks to the decisive system synergy generated between the protagonists.

A dynamic formula between exhibition and networking focused on "The Art of Manufacturing" concept which, despite a busy calendar of international events, has attracted not only buyers from key foreign markets, but also the attention of new buyers from emerging ones, interested to a format focused on manufacturing and tech.

Oroarezzo saw indeed the arrival of 200 foreign hosted buyers, from 50 countries, including the Americas, South East Asia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, and North Africa. The Cash & Carry offer also recorded the presence of Italian retailers, in view of the seasonal restocking.

It was also fundamental the full participation, at the show and in the city, of the main partner institutions and associations, including MAECI, ICE, Consulta Orafa Aretina, Confindustria Federorafi, Confartigianato, CNA, AFEMO, Assocoral and Federpreziosi, which outlined a shared perspective in the name of cohesion and a common trajectory of innovation.

Finally, another fundamental issue was sustainability as a supply chain path and the definition of a single certification as a shared goal.

The workshop organized by Federorafi with the Provincial Council of Goldsmiths and Silversmiths of Arezzo, with the participation of speakers such as Bulgari Gioielli and Unoaerre Industries, has in fact confirmed a cohesive sector to lay the foundations for future development, both from a technical, supply chain and brands point of view of the goldsmith industry.

The next appointment with Oroarezzo will be in May 2023.


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