In March 2019, the Turkish Jewelery Exporters' Association exported $300 million in jewellery field. While the Middle East Asia was the most exported region with the highest export amount of $ 119.8 million exports in March, the United Arab Emirates became the most exported country with 83.7 million dollars.
In March 2019, the Turkish Jewelery Exporters' Association announced that jewellery exports that worth $ 300 million were exported and in the first quarter of the year, total exports amounted to 825 million dollars.
”There is 26 percent increasement in March”
Mustafa Kamar, the chairman of the Association of Jewelery Exporters, who evaluated the March performance of the Association, said: “As the Union, we always say that as a sector that has exported $ 4.4 billion in 2018, the jewellery sector is a strategic sector and should be declared as a strategic sector too. In 2018, with 35% export growth, we have achieved a significant increase by increasing the export rate of the two sectors. In the first three months of 2019, we gained a speed especially in kilograms. In March, there was a 26% increase in the amount of value, although there was a decline in value on the basis of economic fluctuations. We are working to make more contribution to the country's exports.”
Most Exported Region Became Near and Middle East Asia
The highest export in March was to the Middle East Asian country group with $ 119.8 million. 50.2 million dollars in Near and Middle East Asia followed the European Union, And $41.9 million dollars in Other Asia followed the $ 31.4 million in North America and $ 25.5 million in North Africa.